Apr 24, 2009

Jump (Final)

Ok it's not quite done, but it's really close. I just have to run it by the lovely Sara for one last critique.

Apr 19, 2009

Jump (WIP 1)

I've carved out some of the background and I'm now scratching my head about the greenery at the top. It needs some experimenting I think. I haven't quite got what I want yet. Mostly ignoring the figure and her rope for now.

Apr 17, 2009

Jump (Color Study)

I've worked out the color study for this. The magenta is so fun that I don't care if it's blinding people. Now, on to painting details and textures.

Apr 14, 2009

Jump (line drawing)

I had Sara look over the last sketch and she pointed out the angle of the head was incorrect. I fixed it and I'm hoping this works a little more naturally. She also coerced me into doing a more challenging background, which is probably a good thing ;)

Apr 12, 2009

Jump (Sketch)

I worked through several thumbnails while developing on Sara's theme of "tomb raiding". This one ended up retaining the most energy when translated to something larger. Now on to fixing up a line drawing, ooooh fancy.

Apr 8, 2009

Alley Final

Here's the final for my first Sara project. Onwards, to number 2! So far, the sketches are shaping up to be some actiony tomb raiding excitement. More to come soon.